
AirChat No. 22 - Autumn 2020

INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the club president CEO update Chief pilot report Editorial Glossary Recent Achievers Upcoming events Curly's corner Flight youth engineering Instructor intro Hop to it! Attitudes Diploma dispatch Staff intro The sky…

Air Chat - Summer 2020

INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the club president CEO update Chief pilot report Editorial Glossary Recent Achievers Upcoming events Curly's corner Wings Dinner From the archives Chinchilla flyaway Attitudes Touchdown at Oshkosh at last A quick trip…

Air Chat - September 2019

INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the club president CEO update Editorial Recent Achievers Hong Kong students Upcoming events Curly's corner Club's 50th anniversary From the archives ANZAC Day dawn patrol Hervey Bay flyaway Memories of RAC Maui flight…



ANZAC Dawn Service, Flight and Breakfast!

Open Day, Sunday September 25th.

RAC's Annual Open Day will take place on Sept 25th!

Stanthorpe 'Weekend Wineries' Fly-away (10-11 Sept)

Sat 10 Sept - Sun 11 Sept.   After "wheels up" at 9.00 am on Saturday morning, we’ll arrive at Stanthorpe Airport by around 10.30 am. A tour bus has been arranged for a day of visiting wineries with a lunch at 1pm.  Around 4.30…